
Is the place where you stay or work, healthy for you?

  By Jayesh Kapadia

Just as the various planets and energy of the solar system have an effect on our health, the positive and negative energy originating from beneath the ground affects our mind and body in the same way. Wherever we work or say spend more than 4 - 6 hours a day, the energy emanating from this area affects us the most.

Such energy emanating from the ground has been referred by science as Geopathic stress or geo-stress. Geopathic is a Latin word which means the illness coming from the ground or ground sickness. This negative energy is harmful to our bodies. Many of us always have health-related complaints. No matter how many medicines you take, take care of your health but the disease does not get cured completely. Medicine does not give the desired effect. Even after having a good amount of sleep, there remains sluggishness throughout the day. You feel tired. There is no enthusiasm for work. We experience nervousness & get irritated more often. This is the primary symptom of the effect of Geopathic stress or ground stress on your home or office area.

However, it seems very surprising that how can natural energy come from the land be harmful? Actually, Geopathic stress arises from the friction of water formed inside the ground. Ground stress is also due to faulty magnetic grid lines, the concentration of mineral deposits, underground cracks, modern-day construction work and many such reasons.

Scientists like, Gustav Freiherr von Phol, Kathe Bachler, Dr. Hartman, have concluded by doing extensive research on the effects of negative energy like Geopathic Stress that this energy weakens the immune systems of humans and plants. It obstructs the smooth recovery of the sick. This energy can come from as deep as 200 feet inside the ground and can still prove to be harmful even if you live on the 50th floor. This negative energy is also termed as the Black syndrome range of cancer.


Children sleep-walking, urinating on bed, the appearance of cats, honey-bees & multi ants, termite attacks on walls & ceilings are some of the symptoms of the area being affected by Geopathic Stress.

In the recently published research paper by the World Health Organization (W.H.O.), the term “sick building syndrome” has been used. This means, wherever there is more evidence of negative energy like Geopathic stress; you find more occurrences of psychological/mental issues/complaints in those buildings; complaints like lack of motivation to work, frequent changes of jobs, etc. You would be surprised to know that in Austria and Germany, for the last more than 100 years, the permission of building homes and schools is given based on NOC for Geopathic Stress.


Our ancient temples are also built on the Geopathic Stress area so that mankind cannot settle there. Geopathic stress information has been available in China for more than 400 years.

In a today scientific age, it is known that Geopathic stress or geo-stress can lead to blood pressure, headache, fatigue, stress, trouble in concentrating and severe illness. It has been observed from the study that more than 75% of the patients who died of cancer suffered from long-term Geopathic stress. During his 30 years of medical practice by Dr. Hartman; he proved that cancer is a disease caused by Geopathic stress-strain.

People are not aware of the existence of geological stress within the built environment. Problems like plant productivity and machinery breakdown have also been found in the Geopathic stress field.

Now the Green Building Council of India has started giving credit under the innovation and design process to address Geopathic stress radiation for building projects. This will have a positive effect on low disease rate, the spread of diseases, physical stress-related health issues.

In today modern era, we can know whether the place where we live, sleep and spend time for many hours, is healthy for us or not. To avoid the effects of this negative energy, it is prudent to do Vastu Energy testing only. Energy Wellness is committed to providing wellness and healthy life to more & more people.